
Castle walls

"Everyone thinks that I have it all, / But it's so empty living behind these castle walls, / These castle walls... /If I should tumble, if I should fall, / Would anyone hear me screaming behind these castle walls? / There's no one here at all, /Behind these castle walls" . . .

How did you feel when you realized your life currently is as meaningful as a poster on a wall? You may have felt like me. Left somewhere to linger in my misery so I can accept my life and my status in the world hierarchy. Just like a poster on a wall. Somewhere, that poster exists. Few know of its existance. Yet, that poster gets noticed from time to time. It is read and looked at. It is important or at least it arouses interest for a mere 5-6 seconds.

I can still feel the cold. The cold I thought I lost. I can feel the sorrow that once left me. I have found my twisted Wonderland once more. It is just as I left it. Only I am older. I don't know if I should be happy or sad. Should I rejoice or should I drown deeper in solitude as a result? Either way, for me it is something outstanding. Reliving the same feelings that marked my high-school years give me some answers for which questions do not exist for now. For now.

Life hasn't been very good with me lately and that might be my fault as well. But I need to get a grip of everything as time is not on my side and I slip into my psychotic vortex. This is me, getting stressed over Uni, family issues, career issues, money issues, love issues, friends' issues... I care. And I try to live up to my standards. But that doesn't happen every single day. So understand when I seem like I want to just kill people or when I can't see the good side of life. I just can't. I' wrapped around issues and it takes a few moments for me to get untangled.

How do you manage your stress and issues?

2 comentarii:

baka. spunea...

Hmmm... well, I can say that a poster I saw a few weeks ago gave me the chance to be in a place that I really enjoy and I'm having fun for a change. All because of one poster that gave me the courage to start on this path.

Posters aren't that bad. And I don't think they're forgotten. Not the good ones, never the good ones.

About stress and such... I can't handle it either. I just work till I drop - don't do it, it's a bad idea. I can't give you any valuable advice on this one, unfortunately.

All I can do is tell you that you're not unimportant or forgotten or useless or whatever else you might think of yourself.

Nita Anamaria spunea...

Well...I was hoping to find the blog of a happy man. Or at least not this sad. I don't know you as much as you deserve but I KNOW that you have what I don't have. You have strength, you're a man and you fight for yourself, and not being selfish about it.
Stress and how to handle it...I don't handle it. I just deal with it inside of me. I know is wrong to keep everything inside but to be honest, you know that not everyone cares.By the way...I'm sick...Pneumonie. And I might loose my job...stress and is hard to handle but we have to move on. Maybe one day we will have what we need and deserve...love and peace.
PS: NO ONE WILL EVER FORGET YOU. you want attention you got it, and if you still think badly about yourself remember that maybe someone else out there is thinking about you. Take Care. Kiss & Hugs