
Sounds a bit like SATC

They say a man's life is made up of ups and downs, of happy and sad moments. We never figure out what is going to happen to us next, yet we try to anticipate. No matter how much we'd love to do so, the fear of boredom or the lack of surprise that might be caused stops us from pushing on our quest of alltime premonitions. One's life can change in a matter of minutes. One week everything could be fine, the next everything could seem the set of a catastrophy. Despite all these challenges, we must not forget that every single incident has a cause and circumstances in which it was produced. It may not seem as our fault, but if we analyse we will find that in every situation there can not be only one guilty party.
The week kicked off in the usual manner without anything predicting what was going to happen. This week's theme was the Graduates' Albums. People spreading Photoshopped photos of themselves across the classroom, others screaming they want to write in the albums, the true chaos that in the end gives you a satisfaction that these moments will remain in your memory forever. Time passed by and as usual, I skipped classes in order to get home and relax from a hard day of getting bored or trying to figure out why I even bother going to classes. In the end, everybody skipped classes massively at the end. As night fell and everything went dark, so did my hopes of a quiet evening. You got to love the fights over Messenger, I mean they are the best. Every little word gets a different meaning due to the fact that we can not percieve the way it was pronounced. After that, days started to become worse and worse. Wednsday was the apex. For the first time in my life, I left classes just because I was tired of arguing with people around me.

As I gather my thoughts to lay them down I couldn't help but wonder: is it worse to fight with my friends or with my loved one? Are we that sensible or do we just like the exictement around a fight? Are we really arguing about something or just satisfing some sick needs?

As I was argiung with people in the evening including my loved one I recieved the most disturbing message a person could recieve from his or her better half. It was "BYE". The casual meaning might not cause such a stir, but the fact it was written in capitals meant it was serious. Was this the end of a dream? The beginning of a nightmare? I was speechless, literally. My world was coming down on me and my first reaction was a surprinsing one: I actually tried to think it over. Something I have never done. I even gave myself a 3-day wait period before I would take the message seriously. Deep down insider I was waiting for a sign. The extra strength I recieved was from my lover's friend who supported me not to let go so easily. Were they right? Was I giving up too easily?

I woke up this morning determined not to let this misdeaminor get to me. But as I was preparing to go to classes my phone rang. As I reached to answer it, I saw the caller's ID. Before I could do anything, the phone stopped. This was the sign i was waiting for. Soon after a second call. I answered but no one spoke. I could hear a familiar breath. My heart stopped. But the call was interrupted. Somehow I was feeling comforted yet I should have been worried. Hours went by without me even realising it... After a period of waiting I was able to sort things out with my baby. And in the end from almost breaking up we aroused still together. With all the opportunities around me and her we still made it back as one.

Was this a sign love conquers all? As for the fight with my friends, I ended up to the conclusion that it would be a stupid thing for me to keep a grudge for something done involuntarily. Yet I shall torture them a bit.

They say together you can overcome any obstacle. In the end...you do.

Am incercat sa fac ceva diferit de data asta. Mi-am cam prins urechile in intriga si actiune dar sper sa intelegeti ceva. As fi vrut sa va iau in suturi pe unii, sa va fac de cacat dar am spus ca nu mai meritati. Pentru ca nu-mi mai pasa.

Vreau sa stiu opiniile voastre asa ca lasati commuri. Anyway, revin manana cu altceva.

Till next time, Auf Wiedersehen!

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