
A pebble is enough to start an avalanche...

OMG OMG OMG! Like OMG. What a f**cking AWESOME day I had. It was all like almost unbelievable. Like totally extra mega sooper crazy. OMG OMG OMG OMG!

... yeah like I could stand doing a post which could be resumed in the paragraph presented above. Let's do an exercise. Let's all see the good side of life, ok? Ready? 3... 2.. 1... ... ... Go.

< ** after 1 hour ** >

I kinda failed on this subject. Hope you haven't. They say happiness cannot be measured. Yet we tend to compare our happiness with the others'. How do we manage? Isn't it all subject to personal perspective? I won't start on this subject mainly because it reminds me of another post I did and I won't re-post my "work".

I've heard that frog juice does good for asthma and ... improves the sexual performance. You might ask how do you get some of the juice? Well... I wouldn't try it to be honest. But if you are willing (desperate is a better word) to do so, you need to go to South America where a special frog lives. You put into a blender some plants that grow there and choose a frog..or two... or more. You de-skin the frog(s) and while they're still alive, you put them in the blender and mix for 2 minutes. Yes you blend the frogs while being alive. Yummy! Care to try?

I didn't find it disgusting. Mainly because i saw an episode of "Fear Factor" in which, for $100.000 contestants were given to drink a putrified rat that went into the blender as well. This must be the new diets for the 21st century people were talking about. Just by hearing or seeing these you might shed some pounds. By puking of course. If you haven't, you are free to try them. If you dare.
A few years ago insects were the trend everybody followed. Those smoked caterpillars or cockroach stu... Mhhmmmm makes my stomach tingle. But now we eat dead or still alive creatures. I think I'll stick to my dead-chicken Ando's sandwich.

So far this post contains stuff that doesn't have any important pieces of news. But gues what... It won't contain anything interesting. Why? Because I don't want to.

Today, one of the teachers came enthuziasted by the picture seen here in the left. The person in regard (who due to confidentiality measure I will name him Mousty) came and was bearly hiding his smile even though his facial hair was doing a pretty good job in concieling several objects including his lunch, a brush and other instruments that he might have needed on a daily basis.

What can we say about the picture? Care to comment?
If so, leave a comment. Have your say seen here. I personally think that it would be fun to see people doing the same at Dugu's exams, especially for his graphs. But we don't have removable parts in the classes where we give our exams. Not to worry. We'll pass chairs. It ain't hard.

OK. So enough aberations for one day. A message for someone I know: " Stop bitchin' and try to think clearly. You have no idea how badly you hurt those around you, yet you think you haven't done anything wrong. "

Un comentariu:

Anca M. spunea...

I miss u so much....:*:* Stiu ca o zic rar si ca nu dau semne de viata, dar u're imp 4 me:*..>:D<...Btw, I agree with that ando's Thing...;)