
A sort of comeback...

It has been quite some time since I last wrote here. More than 2 months. Almost thought of giving it up. But I reconsidered. Maybe I'll leave it a bit more to live. Just enough to make everybody screaming "Close IT!"

It feels good to write once again what my mind refuses to analyse giving you all chains of words which kill your minutes. That's if you take time to read them. Can you believe 6 months passed and I haven't changed to skin? Yeah... There was the Dakar Themed skin, but that doesn't count. I tried to do something similar to the 2008 Summer Olympics from Beijing daily reports but it failed miserably.
A quick recap though... Volkswagen finally won, Mitsubishi announced thier retirement and the 2010 edition will be held once again in Argentina and Chile.

In other news, EA Games announced that NFS will release not 1, not 2.... no, not even 3 but 4 games. Their names are so far Need for Speed: Shift, Need for Speed: Nitro, Need for Speed World Online and the fourth's name is yet unknown. What can we expect from these games?

NFS: Shift will be a racing simulator, going on the market against Forza, GriD or GranTurismo. Cockpit view is the major feature that is bound to make fans go banana about this game, as for the physics engine, the developers say they have configured it in such manner that no two races are identical. Screenshots show cars such as Corvette C6.R, Pagani Zonda F or Porsche 911 GT2 in action. It is set to arrive on PS3, PSP, XBox and of course on PC.

Click here to read Gamepro's preview on the pre-alpha version of the game.

NFS: Nitro will be available only on Wii and DS, both from Nintendo. It focuses on arcade style racing and feature many customizable cars and cops. More to come in the near future.

NFS: World Online could be called a dream. Why? Because the developers say it will be FREE. Yes, you read correctly. FREE. No pay for the game. A teaser has already been released (watch it here) and the graphics are reminescent of Carbon or Most Wanted. It will first hit Asia in summer, then Europe in autumn.

Details about the fourth title are scarce. Besides the fact that it will stay true to the illegal racing NFS is renowned for nothing else is known.
All titles should be available in Europe starting from the fall of 2009.

Before I sign-off and leave you cursing me for spending your time with this post I wish to ask you this much: What type of skin would you prefer to see here?

Please leave your comments. It is not hard, you can choose if you want to stay anonymus (hope I spelled it right) or you can choose a nickname, even your GMail ID. This way I'll know what you guys think of the blog. Hopefully...

P.S. I wish to answer an older question: "I'm an exception of the rule. I have the ability to go through all three types, yet I can't be identified as being a part of one specific type. It's the thing that makes me special and keeps me away from labeling." I hope the reader who asked is happy with the answer I gave.


bye bye bye...

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

HHHHmmmm bine ai revenit!!!!!!!
Post-ul e cool cu toate ca eu si jocurile (in special jocuri cu masini = 2 drepte paralelele),iar in legatura cu aspectul blogului chiar imi place...ai putea sa adaugi si niste alb cu negru sau chiar un galben or verde>>putina viatza nu strica...oricum mie imi place si asa.
AAAAA si era sa uit~~~~ SCRIE MAI DES PE BLOG PLSSSS~~~~ see u sooooonnnn!!!!!!!

Anonim spunea...

Eu sincer ma gandeam k ai renuntat avand in vedere k nu ai mai scris km d prin perioada in kre am incetat sa mai vbm si noi.ms k mi-ai raspuns la intrebare.m-ai surprins(la modul pozitiv)!ma gandeam k ai uitat d intrebare.totusi tind sa cred k e nuantat un anumit tip,dar ai dreptate k te poti plia pe toate 3.kt despre skin ma gandesc sa mai dai ceva culoare.nu te gandi la un roz extravagant dar nici negru.ceva la mijloc;)noi suntem cu ideile dar u esti cel kre ia decizia.km atat ptr postul asta.ma bucur k ai revenit.ma bucur k vbm.m-am tinut d cuvant.pe curand!si la kt mai multe posturi:*(nu d alta dar ai d recuperat la kt ai lipsit din peisaj)