

Scroll down for the English Version (it's better than the original Romanian version :)) )

Versiunea in romana:

Yeap. Cam la asa ceva se rezuma acest post. Stiu ca nu am mai scris de ceva vreme (secole intregi, dar cine mai tine cont...?), insa NU voi rata aceasta ocazie de a va prezenta si altceva in afara de masini. Mai exact despre o voce incantatoare care spre deosebire de ce urla astazi din difuzoare, poate canta live fara probleme.

Despre alte lucruri scriu alta data pentru ca acest post este dedicat incantatoarei Pirvu Lys. De ce? Simplu. Pentru ca are nevoie de sustinerea voastra. Dupa cum multi stiti, Radio 21 desfasoara un concurs a carui miza este o prestatie live impreuna cu Akon in cadrul unui concert de binefacere pentru Africa. Printre cei 5 finalisti se afla si Lys. De fapt, in afara de Andrei Vitan a.k.a. Andrew, nu are concurenta. 

Cu toate acestea sunt SIGUR ca va castiga pentru ca a muncit foarte mult si a avut de a lungul vietii destule probleme pentru a si urmari hobby-ul. Imi este prietena foarte draga, poate de aceea am emotii pentru ea si vreau sa castige.

In ultimul post, v-am facut cunostiinta cu Lys si v-am prezentat rezultatul primei sale vizite in studioul de inregistrari. Melodia este un cover dupa L-O-V-E a lui Nat King Cole, care este de asemenea si melodia pe care Lys a folosit pentru intrarea in concurs.

Pe site-ul Radio 21, prezentarea lui Lys suna cam asa:

""Mi-a placut foarte mult de ea, e curajoasa, talentata si a cantat mai mult decat ceilalti. Nu are fite, e dragalasa si am sfatuit-o sa ia lectii de canto, dar si de dans. Cantatul e un sport si in consecinta trebuie exersat”, a declarat Ozana Barabancea.

Juriul, dar si ascultatorii Radio 21 au aflat ca Lys si-a invins frica de scena, cantand in fata a peste 1000 de oameni, ca nu ar poza goala, nici macar pentru a se propulsa in lumea muzicii si ca ii admira pe Smiley si Alex.

Rudi (Activ) a fost si el suprins plăcut de prima finalista din concurs: „E spontana si vorbeste bine engleza. I-am spus si ei ca un lucru foarte important pentru o prestatie live la inaltime este sa-ti stapanesti pe cat posibil emotiile si totul va fi bine”.

Are 17 ani si canta de la 8 anisori. Toata lumea i-a spus ca o chinuia talentul la inceput deoarece canta prin casa. S-a nascuta cu sase degete la mana dreapta si ne-a marturisti cu seninatate "bine ca nu m-am nascut cu 4 ca atunci era grav".

Uraste compromisurile, iubeste muzica si nu ii este frica de public, oricat de numeros ar fi el."

Are un potential  incredibil si sper sa-si implineasca visul.  Stiu ca suna ciudat, insa opriti-va pentru un moment, ascultati melodia lui Lys si apoi bineinteles, votati-o. :))

Eu zic ca POATE si ca VA ajunge departe. Acum are sansa de a reusi si voi aveti sansa de a o sprijini. 


P.S. : Luni dimineata la Radio 21 Finala!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ascultati ca de nu, nu mai scapati de gura mea!

English version: 

Yeap. The title resumes this whole post. I know I haven't written for a while (for centuries, but who's counting...?), but I shall NOT miss this opportunity to present to you something else besides cars. More exactly, I am talking about a enchanting voice that unlike others that scream out of the speakers these days, has no problems singing live.

I will write some other time about other things because this post is dedicated to the lovely Pirvu Lys. Why? Simple. Because she needs your support. As you might know, Radio 21 is currently organising a contest which has a prize consiting of  a live performance as a featuring alongside Akon during a benefit concert for Africa. Among the 5 finalists we find Lys. In fact, besides Andrei Vitan a.k.a. Andrew, she has no other real competition. 

Even though, I am SURE that she will win because she has worked a lot to get here and had a lot of problems along the way whilst following her dream, her hobby. She is a dear friend of mine, maybe that's why I am nervous for her and why I want her to win.

In my last post, I introduced Lys to you and presented you the result of her first session in a recording studio. The song is a cover of nat King Cole's L-O-V-E and is also the song Lys used to enter the contest.

On Radio 21's website, this is how Lys's presentation sounds like:

""I really like her, she is brave, talented and has sung more than the others. She hasn't got an attitude, she is sweet and I have adivsed her to take  canto and dance lessons. Singing is a sport and as a consequence it must be practiced”, said Ozana Barabancea.

The jury as well as Radio 21 listeners found out that Lys overcame her stage fright by singing in front of an audience of 1000 people, that she would never pose nude, not even if it helped boost her music career and that she admires Smiley and Alex.

Rudi (Activ) as well was pleasently surprised by the first female finalist of the contest: "She is spontaneous and speaks English well. I told her too that a very imporant thing for a high [good] live show is to control as good as you can the emotions and everything will be alright”.

Lys is 17 years old and has been singing since she was just 8. Everybody told her at first that her talent was killing her because she would often sing throughout the house. She was born with 6 fingers on her right hand and confessed to us with serenity "it's a good thing I wasn't born with 4 [fingers], then it would have been worse".

She hates compromises, loves music and is not afraid of the public no matter how numerous it is."

She has an incredible potential and I hope her dream comes true. I know it might sound strange but stop for a moment , listen to Lys's song and of course, VOTE FOR HER :))

I think that she CAN and WILL succed. Now it's her chance of making it and you have the chance of supporting her. 


P.S. : Monday morning listen to Radio 21! It's the Big Final!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Listen or never get rid of ME!! Leave a comment with you say. :D

Pentru mai multe informatii privind concursul / For more information regarding the contest: Radio 21 & Pepsi Contest


(Sursa citat/ Quote source: Radio 21 )

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

FELICITARI LYS!!!YOU'RE THE BEST!!!ma bucur nespus ptr tine fato!esti o persoana grozava si chiar te pricepi sa knti si nu sa urli in microfon.ai talent kre merita exploatat la maxim,iar acum k ai kstigat,k ai un coregraf asigurat,o profesoara d knto si cineva kre sa se ocupe d vestimentatie,eu cred k e perfect. Se pare k am zis bine la masa atunci k nu se stie ce ne rezerva viitorul;)se pare k viitorul tau e unul promitator si sunt sigura k o sa reusesti in tot!kt despre dragos,noroc k am citit pe blog k altfel nu stiam nik,ptr k pe mess nu mai poate face omu' conversatie.:))km atat. Ma bucur k a kstigat lys ptr k sunt sigura k o sa fak o figura frumoasa cum a facut si pana acum la liceu si in alte parti. Ai grija d u si asa cum a zis si cei d la Radio 21 "Sa ne reprezinti bine acolo!"