
... I'm afraid

How does it feel to have your wings clipped?

How does it feel to have your flight abruptly ended?

Why do they say that they'll be there forever?

Why do they say that they'll be there?

For some time now, I actually fooled myself thinking I got rid of all the pain and the sorrow that haunted me in my teen years. I actually thought I found the right person. I actually thought of the future with a smile on my face. I did all of those. And now, nothing adds up to equal my plans. Nothing.

I have gathered my thoughts, I have discarded them. I can not understand why. Why the sudden end? Why did you start getting colder? Why didn't you want to talk about it? You wanted to suffer less when you did that. But you didn't think of something else. Of someone else. Me. You're a shmuck. I love you with all my heart. I even told you that. You promised you'd tell me when I'd get there. But that day didn't come. Why?
Because it was you who decided that. I can sense that there's someone else already. So, I guess I wasn't good enough for you. Guess you didn't give us a chance. I know you started doubting from the first days... I read your doubts. Now you're acting like a stranger. It kills me. I genuinely want to die. Right now, right here. I don't care. I fooled myself. I promised myself. You promised me. You lied. You lied.
You lied...
You... lied...

Un comentariu:

baka. spunea...

Nothing I say could make you feel better, so I'm not going to be a smartass.

I wish I could help, really. No one can, you're the only one who has the power in that respect. I'd say forgive and forget, but I won't preach what I don't practice. So, I don't know... try to find something to immerse yourself in, it could help. If you can't, then I suggest we both get drunk and cry our pains away (as if that would work).

There are a lot of lies in the world, that's what it's based on. The key is to really not give a damn. You care too much. >:D<>:D<>:D<